¡Register Today for Reading Together!

Register Today! Law librarians discuss amplified engagement through the collective pedagogy of reading together. Please join law librarians Eileen Dolan, Ellyssa Valenti Kroski, and Chris Walunas, as they chat about running a consistent book club since the...
Grants Awarded for 2023-24

Grants Awarded for 2023-24

Congrats to these awardees for the 2023-24 grant year! North Country Library System, Hope, Comfort and Dignity: Working to End Hygiene Insecurity in North Country Libraries. $12,000 Distribute free, on-demand access to simple hygiene kit (CareKit) at libraries, to...
Register Today! 11/8 10am est

Register Today! 11/8 10am est

Register Today! Dr. LaVerne Gray is Assistant Professor at Syracuse University iSchool. Her PhD is from the College of Communication and Information at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her dissertation, “In a Collective Voice: Uncovering the Black Feminist...

Sneak Peek: Browse the Winding Path

Searching is the most obvious way to find those nuggets of information in our vast collection! But another, just as useful, path through the collection is by browsing! The new site offers some familiar functionality in regards to browsing but adds some cool new tricks...

NYSHN Google Analytics 3 to 4 and Migration

Thanks for being an avid statistics user! We’ve put a lot of effort into maintaining these statistics and it’s great to know that work hasn’t been in vain! The short summary: We’re not going to provide statistics for the month of August 2023....

Sneak Peek: Searching the Hoard

In the last ‘Sneak Peek’ article we looked the new site’s appearance and responsiveness on lots of different types of screens. And while we’re pleased with the new site’s appearance, we’re even happier with how it works! While the current site has a powerful search...

Sneak Peek: A View From Any Window

New York State Historic Newspapers launched in Spring 2014. Barack Obama was a year into his second term as President of the United States. Microsoft Windows 8.1 had just been released and Mac OS X Yosemite would come that Fall. It was estimated that only about half...