NEW from the Network:
Archival Education Series
First Up: Topics in Digitization
Select Thursdays October – December, 11:00 am
You may recall being introduced to local archivist Katelyn Legacy-Roulston in our July newsletter, where we alluded a series of workshops under development, for delivery beginning this Fall. The first series of six will take place online from October 10 to December 19 (see all dates below).
Each has a separate registration: they will work together in a logical order for a more comprehensive overview of topics, OR as one-off standalone sessions on specific topics.
October 10, 2024: Introduction to Digitization
11:00 am
What is digitization? This question may seem obvious to many, but there are a lot of factors that should be considered before starting a digitization project. What kind of planning should be done? What resources are needed to complete a successful project? How do you maintain the new digital files that were created?
October 24, 2024: Nominating Collections for Digitization
11:00 am
How do you choose what to digitize? This webinar will focus on evaluating and assessing collections to determine what materials are the best candidates for digitization. Participants will learn how to develop a basic digital collection development policy, create selection criteria, and assess physical collections for digitization candidates.
Preview of all Upcoming Webinars in Series 1: Digitization
Webinars take place at 11:00 am
October 10 | Part 1: Introduction to Digitization
October 24 | Part 2: Nominating Collections for Digitization
November 7 | Part 3: Preparing for Digitization
November 21 | Part 4: Digital Imaging
December 5 | Part 5: Processing Digitized Materials
December 19 | Part 6: Storing & Maintaining Digitized Materials