Informed Librarian Online

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Library workers in the North Country have premium access to this professional current awareness service. A new issue is announced by email each month featuring a sample of recent articles and other content published on important topics from a wide variety of sources.
The Informed Librarian Online (ILO) website includes a searchable archive of past issues, which lends a quick and powerful start to any review of the latest library literature on a topic. For help accessing this resource, contact us.
Informed Librarian Online (ILO) is published by Infosources’ Publishing which also publishes basic reference sources for lawyers, law librarians, legal researchers and information professionals. Infosources, based in Teaneck, New Jersey, has been publishing popular annual directories since 1981.
Arlene L. Eis, the editor of Infosources’ publications, is a professional librarian with an MLS from Columbia University. She is a former library director at the New York law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore, with many years of library experience.
All library staff in the North Country are welcome to use this database.
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The lists of journals, e-journals, magazines, e-magazines, newsletters, and e-newsletters that are covered in the Informed Library Online (ILO) are accessible below.
Infosources’ Publishing welcomes any additional suggestions for titles to include.