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include : Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to Google’s G-Suite (Docs, Sheets, Slides)… Graphics and Video Creation … Communication Tips and Social Media … and many more. - Written for Non-Techies, it gives you 1) a new perspective on the subject, 2) fresh ideas for using the feature and 3) an accurate and complete “how to” section.
- NEW articles and videos are added to the Database every week.
- Log into the database, the newest articles show up on the home page which you can get to by clicking on this link: http://bit.ly/Tech-Talk-NNYLN-Login
- Username: NNYLN
- Password: nnyln13676
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How can you benefit?
- Skills with Microsoft Office and interpersonal communications promote promote good relations internally and externally.
- Topics cover tools for tasks information professionals encounter all the time. Improve your handling of graphics, data, and messaging to make a stronger impression.
- You’ll build confidence, competence, and self-reliance, becoming a hero at work using technology … and a reputation for your positive interaction with colleagues.
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Database Access
The newest articles show up on the home page which you can get to by going to https://www.tech-talk.com/login.
- Username: NNYLN
- Password: nnyln13676
03/29/2024 - Tech-Talk: EXCEL/G-Sheets – Filtering Your Content ♨
03/15/2024 - ⚠ Tech-Talk: How Can a Simple DATABASE Help You?
01/26/2024 - 🏁 Tech-Talk: MOBILE – QR Code Safety Precautions
12/29/2023 - 📛 Tech-Talk: MOBILE: Decoding Texting Abbreviations
10/18/2023 - 🍪 Tech-Talk: INTERNET - Delete Just ONE Cookie
06/30/2023 - 🔊Tech-Talk: HARDWARE - Just What is Bluetooth?
10/14/2022 - 💻 Tech-Talk: EMAIL: New Fraud Methods to Avoid
10/11/2022 - 💻 Tech-Talk: HARDWARE - Equipment Needed to Hold Comfortable Conversations in a Hybrid Program
09/16/2022 - 💻 Tech-Talk: WORD - Table Headers On Every Page
09/02/2022 - 💻 Tech-Talk: WEB DESIGN - What is CSS?
07/29/2022 - 💻 Tech-Talk: WORD – Where Did the Vertical Ruler Go?
07/15/2022 - 💻 Tech-Talk: SOCIAL MEDIA - What’s the Difference Between a Story and a Post on Facebook and Instagram?
06/07/2022 - 💻 Tech-Talk Webinars in June and July
05/27/2022 - 💻 Tech-Talk: EXCEL - Create Custom Drop-Down Lists