Disaster Planning for Libraries

Disaster Planning for Libraries

Friday, October 41:00pmRegistration A library’s role as an “essential community function” during disasters is now encoded in U.S. law, positioning them to aid communities in real ways during times of adversity. Guest speaker Mary Grace Flaherty has researched...
Archival Education Series

Archival Education Series

Archival Education Series Topics in Digitization You may recall being introduced to local archivist Katelyn Legacy-Roulston in our July newsletter, where we alluded a series of workshops under development, for delivery beginning in Fall 2024. The series is now...
Regional ILL: DueNorth Training

Regional ILL: DueNorth Training

Due North Training Wednesday, August 2811:00 amREGISTER for this online webinar Like it or not, summer is coming to a close (the public librarians often like it). Start the school year with a nice fresh start by putting this training on your calendar to be sure you...
More Tips for Using NYS Historic Newspapers

More Tips for Using NYS Historic Newspapers

Navigating the Features: Controlling the Viewer and Documenting Your Discoveries Tuesday, August 2011:00amREGISTER for this online webinar We’ve held a couple recent webinars about the search tools available at NYS Historic Newspapers, so now we want to talk about...
Complete This Survey!

Complete This Survey!

The time of year has arrived when we ask you to tell us a little about how you’ve used and what you value about services from Northern New York Library Network. Please take a few minutes to complete this form before July 12. Thank...
Searching NYS Historic Newspapers

Searching NYS Historic Newspapers

Register Today! Recently relaunched with deeper search tools and broader breadth of digitized collection access, the New York State Historic Newspaper website announces an hour long webinar focused on making the most of all these new search functions. This session...