ESLN Academic Library Leadership Series: Conversations with Experienced Leaders

Join us for the next sessions in the ESLN Academic Library Leadership series!

This series of 90-minute panel discussions features academic library leaders from across New York State discussing various topics relevant to new and emerging leaders. Panelists represent a wide variety of academic institutions and provide a diverse set of experiences. As part of each session, participants will have opportunities to network with other new and emerging leaders through breakout rooms and small group discussions in addition to the larger panel discussion. 

These sessions will not be recorded. Space is limited. Attendees may pick and choose which virtual sessions to attend based on their areas of interest or choose to complete the entire Academic Library Leadership series.

Registration is now open for all remaining sessions!

See below for full descriptions and registration links. Register for each event separately. Access to these programs are available to your organization for free through your affiliation with Northern New York Library Network.



Impactful Mentoring
April 9, 2025
1:00 – 2:30pm, online webinar
Many librarians can point to a mentor who significantly impacted their careers. Sometimes these are found through formal mentor programs or through other strategies. This session will focus on the goals of mentorship and how to create effective mentor/mentee relationships.

Recruitment and Retention
May 29, 2025
1:00 – 2:30pm, online webinar
This session will focus on the strategies libraries have used to attract staff members at all levels and on strategies libraries and institutions have implemented to help retain employees.