Member grants are open now!

Applications are due Thursday, August 8th, 2024.

Annual Network grants are intended for members who wish to pursue funding for eligible projects in one of two categories: Action or Special Collections.

Action Grants are intended to support a member organization’s effort to contribute to the goals and/or priorities of their greater community: their town, their campus, etc. Projects should explicitly target collective impact, participating in or reinforcing a shared local agenda.

Special Collections grants are intended to support increased access to special content and collections in member organizations, especially for projects that will fit into larger repositories like NYS Historic Newspapers, NY Heritage, or Empire Archival Discovery Cooperative, for maximum discovery and access.

Grants provide between $3,000 and $12,000 in project funding.

Read more about Member Grants.

 Online Grant Q&A

Network staff schedule time to be available during the application period to talk with members about grants and applications. Register in advance to get a link for a session.

Upcoming Q&A Sessions

Thursday, June 27, 2024; 11:00 am. Register Here

Friday, July 26, 12:00 pm: REGISTER

Grant Writing Workshop from 2022

Watch the recording!

Access program resources.